In short, our inaugural Field Day was a rousing success! Turnout was exceptional, especially compared with our past attempts to mobilize community meetings. A field day is  where CMSL groups get to tell about what they have accomplished. Also in addition to that we gt to spread the word about the project and get more groups started.  (read more)

2010/09/08 | Posted in: 2008 | Comments Closed

We have finally got a new office and its a permanent place for the next 3 years!!! We really excited as its located in a perfect spot on the very edge of the community. Our new training office is fitting in well and we have 3 more groups to train in the next few weeks. Its challenging to get groups started this time of year as everyone wants to start rather in January.In mid August we are holding out first field day, meaning inviting the general public to learn first hand about CMSL.
(read more)
| Posted in: 2008 | Comments Closed

If you would like to look at our statistics click on read more.

| Posted in: 2008 | Comments Closed

Struggled last week to open a bank account for one of my groups as there most of the members either live where there are no street names or there are plot numbers but no street names. Plus none of the members have proof of residence. The bank wont let them open a bank account. After lots of negotiation they finally opened a bank account for this group but on condition that I took a bank employee to see where the members of the group lived.(read more)
| Posted in: 2008 | Comments Closed

Now having 7 groups up and running (two are made up of high school students) and of those 7, 3 are saving and made their first loans. We have had a few other community meetings which will hopefully give us a few more groups. I have made some miscellaneous observations over the last several weeks….read more

| Posted in: 2008 | Comments Closed

Presentation at the local high school went well. Starting around 5 groups. The first starting next week. We received information that there was going to be a teacher/parent meeting at the local primary school, we approached the principal and he gave us the go ahead to share at the meeting. Twelve people signed up for a follow up appointment. Our Mamma’s Sharing Stokvel has also had a few set backs. (read more)

| Posted in: 2008 | Comments Closed

Our strategy to connect with Sassa and the clinic worked. Also our retake of our first meeting ended up with 8 members. It was tough as they were undisciplined and late etc. With these factors we decided to fine people R5 for been late. Which has coursed many to pitch up 5 minutes early. This group is now in action and progressing well.(read more)

| Posted in: 2008 | Comments Closed

We excited to say that things are beginning to grow. We started our first group, with starting out with 7, 2 leaving and then 3 new members wanting to join. We conducted our first meeting and then there was word that more people wanted to join this group so we going to have to redo the first meeting.  With the hope that all 15 people join us at the retake of meeting 1. (read more)

| Posted in: 2008 | Comments Closed

The strategy for introducing CMSL to the community is quite a process.  The first time people got word of what we do is when we conducted the baseline study. After that we invited as many Stakeholders(leaders of organizations in the townships) to a meeting. To reasons for having this meeting, to introduce and explain CMSL to them and then to ask them for assistance in mobilizing people to attend community meetings about CMSL. (read more)

| Posted in: 2008 | Comments Closed

We have planned 4 community meets, one unfortunately had to be canceled, the second was well attended with 33 people and tomorrow we await to see the turn out of our third meeting.  (read more)
| Posted in: 2008 | Comments Closed
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